An interesting header-only logging library, spdlog, was recently posted on Reddit. A comment by Sean Middleditch sparked an interesting discussion on the thread:

“Header only” is an anti-feature. Fast compiles are important. PCHes only fix a fraction of the problems of header bloat. Avoiding 15 minutes of setup to get a library building/precompiled in exchange for months of lost productivity waiting for slow builds is a pretty bad trade off.

Here are some of the replies:

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I’ve spent the last week rewriting the static website generator for from scratch.


The previous one had several limitations that couldn’t be easily fixed due to poor design:

... read more

trip report - C++Now 2016

16 may 2016

I’m back from C++Now 2016, where I participated as a speaker and as a student/volunteer.

I’ve written a brief trip report. I had a fantastic time at the conference and wanted to talk about my experience.

The report is mostly focused on my favorite code snippets/techniques shown during the talks and on my sessions (and the feedback I’ve received on them).

meeting c++ lightning talks

12 december 2015

My Meeting C++ 2015 talks are now available on YouTube!

First lightning talk video:
‘static_if’ in C++14

Second lightning talk video:
“Meaningful” casts

All the code is available here, on GitHub.


new tutorial, meeting c++

06 december 2015

I’ve uploaded a new Dive into C++14 episode on YouTube:

  • “Dive into C++14 - [3] - Generic”unique resource” wrapper”
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The third tutorial in the “Dive into C++14” series covers the implementation of a generic “unique resource” class, with the same ownership semantics as std::unique_ptr. The tutorial shows the implementation of the resource class and the abstraction of the behavior of several resource types (heap-allocated pointers, OpenGL VBOs, int-based-handle APIs). It also shows a simple implementation of “scope guards” as unique resources, to show how abstracting “uniqueness semantics” can be useful even in unexpected situations.

I’m currently in Berlin’s Tegel airport, flying back home after a fantastic experience at Meeting C++ 2015. I had a great time at the conference, and also gave two lightning talks.

You can already find the code for them on Github - when the videos will be uploaded I will update the repository readme.

my cppcon 2015 talks

30 october 2015

Hello everyone!

My CppCon 2015 trip report and talks are now available for free on YouTube.

[VLOG] CppCon 2015 report, upcoming tutorial, Patreon
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Talk videos:

Enjoy! You can find all the code and slides on this GitHub repository.

Also, I’m now on Patreon - your support is always extremely appreciated :)

dive into c++14!

6 june 2015

I’ve published two new video tutorials on my YouTube channel. The videos introduce a new series: “Dive into C++14”.

Like the previous series, dedicated to the C++11 standard, “Dive into C++14” will show the convenience and power of the latest standard (C++14) through videos regarding various topics.

The format of the videos is what makes “Dive into C++11” and “Dive into C++14” different from other tutorials: well-commented and well-formatted independently compilable chronologically sequential code segments will show the audience the thought process behind writing modern C++14 code.

Dive into C++14 - [1] - Introduction to C++14 core language features
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The first video is a brief introduction to some of my favorite new C++14 core language features. The target audience is newcomers to the C++14 standard who already have some experience with C++11.

Dive into C++14 - [2] - for_each_argument explained and expanded
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The second video covers a very interesting code snippet originally posted on Twitter by Sean Parent: for_each_argument.

It shows and explains the usage of C++14 compile-time integer sequences, and analyzes a very interesting iterative implementation of an alternative version of Sean’s function that takes the desired arity as a template parameter.

Feel free to fork/analyze/improve the source code on my GitHub page. You can find previous episodes here: Playlist

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